I regularly conduct and give speeches at workshops and seminars on legal matters related to investment process in infrastructure, i.a. in the field of construction law, construction contracts, the FIDIC Conditions, real property, energy, renewable energy, wind farms development, spatial planning, and environmental protection.

I acted as speaker, trainer or lecturer at more than 30 workshops, training sessions, seminars and conferences for representatives of companies from construction, energy, renewables, and public procurement industry. I regularly cooperate with professional companies providing training for business, i.a. MM Conferences S.A. (MMC Polska), Nowoczesna Firma S.A., Proability.



  • Workshops on transmission line easement, speech on the ‘Problems related to transmission equipment already built at the property’, Warsaw, 28 September 2017
  • Construction law workshops on construction contracts, including the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, for HS Wrocław sp. z o.o. / UTC Aerospace Systems, Wrocław, 16 September 2016
  • Seminar on ‘The Amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act – New Rules of the Game’, speeches on ‘Interconnection to the grid and project development in stages’ and ‘State aid in auctions’, Warsaw, 21 June 2016
  • Construction workshops on formal and legal aspects of design project documents, speech on the ‘Variation of design and construction permit during construction’, Warsaw, 21 March 2016
  • Construction workshops devoted to the investment process in industrial construction, speech on the ‘Most recent and upcoming changes in the construction law’, Warsaw, 17 March 2016
  • Workshops on the Problematic Aspects of Transmission Line Easement, speech on the ‘Problems related to transmission equipment already built at the property’, Warsaw, 15 March 2016
  • Seminar on ‘Subcontracting in public procurement’, Warsaw, 21 January 2016
  • Construction workshops devoted to the application of construction law in practice, speech on the ‘Most recent and upcoming changes in the construction law’, Warsaw, 9 December 2015
  • Workshops on the ‘Auction system as a new RES support scheme’, speech on the ‘Auction system – participants and working mechanism’, Warsaw, 12 October 2015
  • Workshops on the ‘Environmental protection in the investment process’, Warsaw, 23 July 2015
  • Construction law workshops on Interrelations of Liability in the Building Process – Key Aspects for Contractors, speech on the ‘Joint and several liability of the building process participants’, Warsaw, 27 May 2015
  • Workshops on Disputes regarding Interconnection of Wind Farms to the Grid, speech on the ‘Examples of Cases and Case Law on Connection of Wind Farms to the Electrical Grid’, Warsaw, 21 May 2015
  • Workshops on the ‘Appeal Procedure from the decision of the President of ERO – disputes and recent rulings’, speech on the ‘Evolution of Decisions regarding Electrical Grid Connection Fees’, Warsaw, 29 April 2015
  • Workshops ‘RES Act – legal aspects’, conference of the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA), Serock, 13 April 2015
  • Workshops on Legal and Practical Aspects of Investments in High Voltage Lines, speech on the ‘Procedures for building high-voltage lines’, Warsaw, 13 April 2015
  • Workshops ‘RES Act – legal aspects’, Warsaw, 17 March 2015
  • Workshops on the Practical Functioning of Transmission Line Easement, speech on the ‘Problems related to transmission equipment already built at the property’, Warsaw, 16 March 2015
  • Construction contracts workshops – V Edition, speech on the ‘Liability for Subcontractors’ Claims in the Construction Process’, Warsaw, 4 September 2014
  • Meeting of the Working Group on Noise, Ministry of Environment, workshops for GDOŚ and RDOŚ employees, speech on: ‘Legal aspects of the acoustic impact assessment of wind farms on the environment’, Warsaw, 28 August 2014
  • Workshops on Problematic Aspects of Wind Farms Investments, speech on the ‘Connection of wind farms to the electrical grid’, Warsaw, 25 June 2014
  • Conference organised by Puls Biznesu „Forum OZE 2014”, speech on the ‘Electrical Grid Connection Fees’, Warsaw, 24 April 2014
  • Construction contracts workshops – IV Edition, speech on the ‘Liability for Subcontractors’ Claims in the Construction Process’, Warsaw, 10 February 2014
  • Lecture on the ‘Legal landscape for renewable energy’ for students of postgraduate studies at the Warsaw Univeristy of Life Sciences, Warsaw, 24 January 2014 r.
  • The FIDIC Contracts Workshops, speech on the ‘Review of FIDIC Contract Clauses and Institutions in terms of their legality under Polish law’, Warsaw, 10 December 2013
  • Day-long workshops on ‘Liability in the Investment Process’, Warsaw, 21 November 2013
  • Construction contracts workshops, speech on the ‘Liability for Subcontractors’ Claims in the Construction Process’, Warsaw, 24 October 2013
  • Lectures at the Faculty of Production Engineering at the Warsaw Univeristy of Life Sciences, major Renewable Energy Technologies, lectures on the Energy Law and the investment process in renewable energy sources, 2012-2015
  • European University Institute in Florence, NICLAS on Migration conference, lecture on the ‘Legal labour migration in Australia – comparative analysis of the state of the law in the European Union and Australia’, Florence, 11 July 2011
  • University of Warsaw, Confidentiality vs. Transparency in International Arbitration conference, lecture on ‘Transparency standards in NAFTA Chapter 11 and U.S. and Canadian model BITs’, Warsaw, 8 February 2011